18th International Exhibition on Energy, Energy Saving, Nuclear Energy, Alternative Energy Sources - Power Uzbekistan 2025

13 - 15 May 2025, CAEx Uzbekistan / Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Register as Press

To be accredited at the exhibition and conference, the organiser of which is Iteca Exhibitions International Exhibition Company and its partner ICA Eurasia Group, a written request needs to be sent to PR Manager, Iteca Exhibitions, by email to pr@iteca.uz or call +99871 205 18 18


Accreditation is granted subject to OBLIGATORY publication in your print or electronic media or TV story demonstration etc. with OBLIGATORY reference to the name of the exhibition and its organizer - Iteca Exhibitions.

Accredited journalist should submit to Iteca Exhibitions the copies of published materials/stories about exhibition/conference or inform of publication date/air time.

Media representatives, who obtain the accreditation but do not provide any coverage of exhibition/conference, can be denied any future accreditation.

No accreditation is granted to advertising agents and marketing staff.

Representatives of foreign mass media need to produce the certificate of their accreditation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan. Journalists without the accreditation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs may not participate in exhibitions and conferences in the capacity of PRESS.

Non-accredited journalists may visit the exhibition on the third day according to standard procedures - with VISITOR badge.

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